The 2025 application for funding from the 2024 Campaign of the United Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore is now available.The dateline for the application is March 12, 2025. The application can be completed below online or by downloading the word document.

The application is open to all organizations serving the Eastern Shore of Virginia that meet the eligibility requirements. Agencies must be incorporated as a non-profit organization serving a client population on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.  Agencies must be classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The United Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore supports services that impact areas of Arts, Education, Financial Stability or Health.  These services must be clearly defined and with documentation of the problems and resulting needs of the proposed client population. Agencies must provide reasonable and ample evidence to substantiate the need for its program and justification for United Way funding.

Contact Dawn Taylor Byrd with any questions.


Is your organization eligible for funding?


  1. IncorporationMust be incorporated as a non-profit voluntary organization serving a client population on the Eastern Shore of Virginia

  2. Tax Exemption - Must be classified as tax-exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code

  3. VDACS RegistrationMust be authorized to solicit contributions by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  (If you need an application, contact the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Solicitation Section at 1-800-552-9963 or 1-804-786-1343.)

  4. Accounting

    1. Must have documentation of financial condition for the local operation and demonstrate appropriate accounting records and controls over the receipt and expenditure of funds in accordance with the standards for voluntary health and welfare organizations.

    2. Must have sources of income other than United Way allocations to prove that agency can sustain itself.

    3. Must have community support including a sizable and active volunteer membership and fund-raising support.

    4. Must maintain formal record-keeping on numbers of clients served by age, race, geographic area, and other relevant demographics

  5. Governing Body Must be governed by an active Board of Directors comprised of local representation who are unpaid volunteers.  The Board must meet at least twice a year to establish policies and make decisions.

  6.    Non-Discrimination Must practice non-discrimination in the employment of staff, recruitment of Board Members, and provision of services.

  1. Appropriateness for United Way Support

    1. Documentation of Need 

      1. Must fall within the impact areas of Arts, Education, Financial Stability or Health

      2. Must clearly define and document the problems and resulting needs of the proposed client population.

      3. Must provide reasonable and ample evidence to substantiate the need for its program and justification for United Way funding

      4. Must state proposed objectives in measurable, time-specific terms in order to evaluate and measure program performance on service delivery

    2. Duplication of ServicesMust demonstrate that the proposed program or service delivery does not duplicate existing efforts directed at a similar client population or identified need, and could not be provided in a more effective manner by an existing agency.